Struktogramme Structure diagrams 

Implementation with structure diagrams

Create structure diagrams for a clear overview from the very start

Structure diagrams are still the number one choice for programs or sub-programs that cannot be realized as a state machine. Files developed in a structure diagram have clearly defined structures right from the beginning. Design errors in the file can be identified early on and rapidly remedied. This allows the basic framework of the file to be created quickly and with the correct syntax. The framework takes you almost automatically to an even more detailed level, until finally the structure diagram contains perfectly commented and valid source code.   

There is no dispute about the benefits of structure diagrams for analyzing complex algorithms and functions or resolving nested if-then-else queries. EasyCODE is capable of displaying the base metrics and adapting the format of the source files to comply with valid guidelines. The automatic code completion function helps you when you're writing your new code.

Create a sophisticated system using the layer technique

In the structure diagram editor, you can move sections of a diagram out of the view you are working on. For instance, in a larger function you can transpose single logical units to deeper layers of the structure diagram to make your workspace much less cluttered. The layers can be viewed, edited and printed individually, and they can also be easily expanded and collapsed again. The layer architecture of the structure diagram can be viewed in the structure overview.

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